Mission & Vision

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing emergency and transitional housing, counseling and life skills training to individuals in need.

Mitchell County House of Hope, Inc.’s mission is to provide homeless women, men, children and families a safe transition during times of displacement, alternative solutions to existing on the streets, teach a multitude of skills to empower them to self-sufficiency, and facilitate the possibility of permanent housing. 

The ultimate goal is to provide the general welfare of the homeless during the daytime hours with empowerment activities, food, clothing and personal hygiene products. We will also assist with employment training, job search, and transportation to apply for jobs.

We help to facilitate the improvement of community and family life of all Mitchell County, Georgia.


We teach a multitude of skills to empower others to self-sufficiency.


We provide the general welfare of the homeless during the daytime hours with empowerment activities, food, clothing and personal hygiene products.


We will assist with employment training, job search, and transportation to apply for jobs.


Our Staff

 Members at Large

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